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Can a cesarean section lead to birth injuries?


There was a time when cesarean sections were considered invasive and expensive, thus, they were rarely done. However, C-section rates have skyrocketed and around a third of the births in the country come via C-section. For Laurel, Maryland mothers their baby's safety is the number one concern. So it is imperative that mothers know if the resurgence of C-sections is actually for the best interest of their babies.

One safety concern that plagues both normal delivery and C-section is uterine rupture. In such a situation, the uterine wall is torn and the mother is prone to excessive bleeding. A mother can also be more prone to infections. On the other hand, the baby can be deprived of oxygen which can cause brain damage. For women who have previously had a C-section, the chances of a uterine rupture increases based on the number of C-sections they have undergone. The C-section scar itself can be the one to rupture.

However, for many hospitals, more C-sections mean more money, since the procedure is easier to set-up and is relatively easier to accomplish compared to normal delivery. This is true for a high-volume patient hospital. But not every hospital seeks profits; some do look after the safety of mothers and their babies.

Giving birth is a deeply personal experience for a woman and her partner. The choice of having a normal delivery or C-section will rely on the choice of the mother and the suggestions of a medical practitioner. However, if a medical practitioner goes beyond the wishes of a mother during the delivery process and the infant suffers birth injuries, the medical practitioner can be held liable. A Laurel, Maryland family can also hold a medical practitioner liable for medical malpractice if he or she commits medical errors during the delivery process that compromise the well-being of a child.

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