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Disability finance: How can I lower my housing costs?


If you have been left disabled from injury or illness, lowering your housing costs will be important in making every dollar of your Social Security Disability count. This can be a challenge in Maryland, whether you owe on a mortgage or you are a renter. However, there are a few options you may want to check out.

U.S. News & World Report suggests that one way to lower how much you are paying on housing is to relocate to a cheaper area. This may involve moving to a state where the cost of living is lower or further out of the city. For example, if you live near the downtown area, you may find that rent is cheaper in a suburb. If you are older and your children are grown, or you live alone, you may also want to consider just getting a smaller space to call home. This may require you to downsize your belongings as well so that you won’t feel cramped if you decide to go that route.

As a homeowner, you may not really want to downsize. If that is the case, you could look for a roommate. This could give you extra income to help offset the mortgage cost, and provide you with company and security. If none of these options are possible, you could look into getting housing for people with low income. Many cities have housing programs to help people who are disabled find a place to live that comes with a lower rent tag. You may also want to look into living in a motorhome, as many older people seem to enjoy it and it is much less expensive. Plus, you could obtain free rental space for your vehicle by becoming the host of a campground during the tourist season.

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